Weclome to Wild Unity

A Healing Earth Community & Home of Starseeds Earth Academy.

About Wild Unity

Wild Unity is a heart-centered conscious community. Our vision is to remember who we are, empowering each other while living in harmony with the Earth and all beings. Deeply rooted in values that approach life from a place of inner strength, resiliency, courage, integrity, authenticity and truth. Connecting with the ancient wisdom that lives deep within our souls and the Earth.

Our mission is to create a land based learning environment for the purpose of healing the land, ourselves and each-other to cultivate and deepen our connection to the earth. We envision expanding our community through active engagement as we observe and are inspired by natures intelligence to create new innovations for healthier world

About Starseeds Earth Academy

Starseeds Earth Academy is an earth based community school located on a hobby farm property surrounded by nature and animals.

Our daily flow brings curriculum to life by engaging your child’s heart and mind while nourishing their body and spirit.

As the children flow with the seasons, they are connecting with the spirit of the earth and all the beauty she offers. Grounding through their roots, they learn to slow down, creating space within themselves to feel empowered connected, deeply loved and inspired as they naturally fall in love with learning. Blossoming together as a community, creating meaningful friendships while shining their unique bright light on the Earth.



As we grow, we envision 100+ acres, yurts, domes and barns for schoolhouses, outdoor classrooms and art hives throughout.